Monday, March 30, 2009

Missing In Life

i have been living an alternative life for the past week.  unfortunately only a week ago (a week after being robbed), i witnessed a murder in the park behind our house.  it was shoot and run.  noel, jason, kari, and i have been exhausted.  the weight of evil in this world has been rocking our faith... i mean shaking the fuck out of our faith.  this week has been filled with fear, depression, anxiety, loneliness, and frustration.  i have felt totally helpless.  i have never prayed more in my life.  i feel changed. 

do you remember moments when you were a child and something occurred in your life that shook you... that took away apart of your innocence and naivety.  you were left with this realization that this very scary thing that you have witnessed has been apart of the fabric of life for a very long time.  murder is daily, frequent, and gruesome.  i thought that i accreted that truth along time ago... but i hadn't.

my heart is still heavy, but i am convinced that God chose me to witness that atrocity.  only 4 days later, i attended a conference through sojourn that surrounded itself with the Gospel and how it applies to the inner city and its problems.  i attended a prayer walk with my church around shelby park, i met tons of new people that live in my neighborhood that are affected by this happening. the problems of this inner city, shelby park, and louisville are much bigger then me.  i will not turn away from them, but become more humbled by them, that i am small, but God is great.

i plan on designing again this week... trying to transition back into my responsibilities.

i have a great love for you


Monday, March 16, 2009

everyone on the ground

last night, at 10 pm, 3 men walked into my backyard where my wife, room mates, 5 other friends and i sat around a fire drinking beer and telling jokes.  they were carrying guns and yelling to us all to get on the ground and empty our pockets.  we did as the asked, they yelled, grabbed and scrambled away.  no one was hurt. its hard to find the words to explain such an experience.  i did this piece above... as a way of doing something... even if it has no relevance to the problem at large.
for you whom pray.  pray that fear does not make a foot hold in any of our lives, pray that we can love our neighborhood and still seek to serve it, not becoming bitter and spiteful to our surroundings, pray that we have peace in our home, that we sleep well, and most importantly that the Gospel be the center of our living.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

the end

i have been in a cut/paste/distort mood lately.  i am gathering all these different images and making my own images out of them.  its a lot of fun for me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

jesse james

yet another post influenced by my recent road trip.  this is as close as i could allow myself to mimic a billboard we saw while driving on 66.  i think its pretty spot on.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


as i was fulfilling my responsibilities of driving back from California (read post below) i couldnt get this image out of my head. it isnt for anything paticular, and i might print it one day, but for now... its a blog exclusive design.

there and back again - a friends tale, by tyler deeb

when my friend bradley asked my wife noel and i if we would drive to southern California with him, pick up his girlfriend(to move her to louisville), then turnaround and drive back... we said "of-course", but we only have 5 days to spare.  So starting at 11 am friday morning we embarked on a road trip of severe intensity and insanity.  we arrived back in louisville tuesday at 2 am.   our butts may be permanently flattened, but our sense of accomplishment and excitement for life is like a soaring eagle over mountains with a freshly caught mouse in its beak.  jessica(bradleys GF) now calls louisville home, i can finally say that i took a 70 hr road trip, bradley is reassured of the quality of our friendship, and we now have an array of poorly taken photos in black and white film from the trip.  we are hoping that because its BW it will look like real art.

the end